Volunteer Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program Managers
Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) and Community Engagements
The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADAC) were activated and strengthened. The BADAC are composed of the various barangay committee and the barangay stakeholders, including members from the interfaith, the UBAS (Ugnayan Ng Barangay at Simbahan) and other non-government organizations.
In support to the rehabilitation and aftercare program, four (4) elements were formulated to ensure empowerment and sustainability:
- Conscientization — Making the community become aware and awake of drug use as menace in the society and changing the way they view drug addiction and a person suffering from substance abuse,
- Community Education — promote learning and social involvement as a way of responding to this challenging times,
- Community Organization — making desired improvement by ensuring that all the 80 barangays in the city has an active and functional BADAC and
- Community Resource Management — to help the community identify key persons/organizations that may be able to assist them in the implementation of the program and strengthen community participation and enhance social corporate responsibility for some groups.
City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC)
The City Anti-Drug Abuse Council created committees to address the four (4) vital aspects of CADAC: :
- Prevention Committee
- Reduction Committee
- Intervention Committee and
- Community Support Committee
Each committee are chaired and co-chaired by members of the government and non-government organizations. Amongst these NGOs/CSOs are the Balay Mindanaw Foundation Inc. for community organizing and aftercare support, I Will Serve Foundation Inc. for the intervention program, USAID RenewHealth for both the CBDR and Aftercare Program.